Disciples Making Disciples
Discovery Bible Study
Disciples Making Disciples (DMD)
DMD groups focus not just on understanding the essentials of following Jesus but living it out on a daily basis. It’s not a study group so much as a “support group” to encourage you to live out your faith, including sharing your faith and discipling others. DMD groups are for both brand new and longtime followers of Christ.
We use material developed by The Timothy Initiative.
*Contact us if you’re interested in DMD.
Confidence in Christ (CiC)
CIC is for diving deeper into theology, apologetics, church history, hermeneutics, and worldview. We “connect the dots” to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible and Christian thought (theology). We learn logical reasons to believe in Christ and trust the Bible (apologetics) and how to interpret the Bible (hermeneutics). Finally, we learn how to think about the world as Christ does (worldview) to understand how we should live in the world.
To learn more about Pastor Steve's Confidence in Christ ministry, CLICK HERE.
*Contact us if you’re interested in CiCC
Discovery Bible Study
Discovery groups are a good place to start for those who are curious about Christianity. We read the Bible and discuss the basics of Christian faith.
*Contact us if you’re interested in the Discovery group.
Big Questions Night
Casual gatherings—usually around food—to discuss tough topics dealing with the Bible, God, culture, and spiritual life.
*Contact us if you’re interested in Big Questions Night.
Study Groups
In addition to our usual Sunday gatherings,
we organize other times to gather and grow together.